How to Improve FPS for All Intel HD Graphics

Posted by Asad Aizaz on 11:48 with 1 comment
This is a tutorial on how to maximize performance for the Intel HD Graphics family.
You can either watch it or read it.

  1. Update your drivers -
    This step is a very simple one, updating your graphics drivers is easy and usually gives a performance boost.
  2. Optimize settings in the Intel Graphics Control Panel
    a) To access this panel, right-click desktop and select "Graphics Properties".
    b) Go to "3D" and set preference to "Performance", and check "application optimal mode".
    c) Go to "Power" and select "Maximum Performance".
  3. Unpark-CPU -
    Windows OS throttles your CPU at times to save power this is called "parked" CPU cores, this makes sense for a laptop but not for a desktop. This program will "unpark" those CPU cores.
  4. Razer Gamebooster -
    Many of you probably know of this program, this program closes down all extra crap you have running when you play your game. Now this will give a good boost in computers with low RAM, but if you have more than 4GB I do not think this is necessary.
  5. Modded Driver -
    Modded drivers are risky business, they may damage your computer but I haven't actually heard of that happening. I have used modded drivers and for some games I experienced an fps boost while others stayed the same or slightly lowered, I recommend using these if you're desperate for a performance increase.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you get a performance increase.